Friday, 22 November 2019


room 4 and 2 are learning to work with people we dont normally work with and we work with people like that a we have to do challenges and then we test then to see if they work today we had to make a marble shoot and we did it right what i would do next time is join in more. 

do you now what a marble shoot is?

Friday, 8 November 2019

saving sand dunes

Room four went to the beach on Friday and we learnt about the creatures on the beach and that some crawl on the sand and some hide. and there are tips of Beatles on the beach and sand hoppers and a Lister d and there is a a spider on the beach and it has venom in the spiders.and and we learnt about the plants at the beach one was could a ice plant and i thought that was funny because the beach is so hot.  we went there because in Re we learnt that we shroud respect are home and we made are own sand dunes and we also went there to now how to care for sand dunes. the teacher that told us all about them she works at the city council and made a program for kids.  what i enjoyed about it was decorating the sand dunes that we made and what i dident  really enjoy was all the hot sun and all the sand in my shoes do you now what a sand dune is?