Friday, 30 August 2019

What we learnt with Hannah. we learnt that sometimes we can flip are lids that means if someone hurts you or you are just upset that you might do something bad you either fight freeze or run away oh and her is a tip if you flip your lid take a deep breath and then talk to someone about  your feelings i am going to take a deep breath if I flip my lid. what would you do?

Thursday, 29 August 2019

narrative writing

in my class we are learning to write a narrative for a narrative you need a title and a problem and you need charters and describe the settings and end. i enjoyed  writing a problem because and i found hard trying to use punctuation because. my next step is to use more punctuation, I will do this by. have you done a narrative before. and i found my punctuation because i diffident put cap tel letters.
The mirror.
Once upon a time there was a cottage, inside this cottage was one little girl that always got into trouble. Her parents left her at the cottage and they said they are going to the supermarket to get things for dinner and they never came home the little girl was all alone in the cottage. then in the morning she checked again and they still weren't there so they checked outside she yelled mum dad but no one answers. then she saw something moving in the bushes but it was just a hedgehog she keeps checking around the forest and she found her dad she asked her dad where is mum dad said he doesn't know so they keep checking but they saw a mirror in the middle of the forest the little girl put her arm threw the mirror then she pulls out her mum then they went back to the cottage and had dinner and talks about what happened in the forest but her mum couldn't remember anything.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


in the first couple of days my class has been learning about  baptism. we learnt that it was the first sacrament and to make holy water is you need oil and water and when you get baptised you wear a white garment and when you light the candle and it lights up and it is the light of christ and when you get baptised it means you swear that you folow  god.have you got baptised